Author: Hannie Waldron

How Addressable TV Advertising Can Help Solve the Industry’s Brand Safety Issues

With the explosion of CTV and OTT inventory, marketer concern about digital ads showing up adjacent to unsuitable content has a new focus: content that makes it to the TV screen. Traditionally TV advertising was deemed brand safe as long as the inventory was on shows that suited the brand and reach goals of the advertiser.

Despite progress in fighting fraud and on safety issues on both the buy and sell sides, the industry is still searching for effective tools that allow advertisers to reach audiences in brand safe, premium environments. Ultimately, there are high stakes involved: a bad user experience such as ad placement within dubious content or contacting a consumer when they’ve opted-out can negatively impact brand sentiment. It’s imperative that advertisers maximize the use of the media and platforms that can deliver and better guarantee brand safety.

Addressable TV1 advertising, as defined by Go Addressable, offers a higher level of brand safety thanks to the inventory pool of premium TV content across screens and solutions described below. Additionally, recent tech advancements made it easier than ever to activate on both traditional and streaming / connected TV. Go Addressable believes advertisers should prioritize authenticated inventory and technology, like addressable TV, that ensures their ads reach the intended audiences in an environment that aligns with their brand.

Let’s take a deep dive into ways addressable TV is providing brand safety for advertisers.

1. Addressable TV Complies with Content Adjacency Requirements:

While brand safety isn’t only about content adjacency, it is an essential part as different brands have unique interpretations of what is considered “safe.” Addressable TV allows advertisers and agencies to determine if the ad placement complies with their policies for appropriate content.

2. Addressable TV is Virtually Fraud Free and Offers Full Transparency in Reporting and Measurement:

Fraud continues to be exposed as a serious issue in the non-addressable OTT and CTV inventory. Many advertisers are seeking more transparency from their media partners to see exactly where their ads are running in addition to understanding how their ads performed. In the pre-campaign planning stage, addressable TV employs subscriber authentication using insights from first-party data. This ensures accurate household matching, cuts down on bot traffic and increases the efficacy of inventory for brands. Upon campaign execution and completion, addressable TV offers post-campaign reporting transparency, which shows exactly where ads have run, and highlights where a client’s target audience was exposed across a portfolio of premium video inventory. These ad exposure logs can be matched to attribution events (a purchase, a website, in-store visit, etc.) reliably based on the authenticated household identity. All of this provides highly accurate and transparent performance metrics for a campaign.

3. Addressable TV Respects the Viewer Experience:

Amidst growing concerns of poor experience across TV viewership, buyers and sellers have been focused on how best to ensure that their ads are relevant and non-intrusive. Addressable TV considers and respects the voice of the consumer. For instance, the authentication services that addressable impressions are delivered by (e.g., MVPDs, vMVPDs, D2C services, etc.) capture consumers’ choices as part of their registration process. They can also update their choices or preferences when they want and how they want. This also means that consumers’ decisions, choices, and privacy preferences are cared for and respected during the audience activation process of every campaign.

4. Addressable TV Upholds Consumer Commitments Around Sensitive Audience Data:

Another benefit of addressable TV regarding brand safety is that providers do thorough audits of the audience attributes in advertising segments. This audit is done to ensure that audience segments are not used inappropriately in order to safeguard the reputation of the provider and their direct relationship with the consumer.

Addressable TV Should be Front and Center for Marketers’ Buys When Brand Safety is a Concern

The concept of brand safety has become vastly more complex, going well beyond viewability and content adjacency. In the digital and CTV landscape there is still concern from advertisers about the quality and control of inventory they are buying. So, in a time when reaching audiences in a premium and brand safe environment is more important than ever, advertisers need to understand which channels can really ensure brand safety.

Addressable TV offers the industry a solution ensuring advertisers have brand safety built in, using audience-targeted capabilities to deliver relevant messages to receptive consumers at the household level on the big screen across linear and connected TV.

This content has been modified from the original article published here on 614 Group.

Check out our latest report, Guidelines for Planning & Buying Addressable TV Advertising, where we explore buy-side issues like brand safety and demonstrate how addressable TV is a powerful tactic for advertisers to help make their media dollars work harder.


  1. Go Addressable defines Addressable TV as: “The ability to serve targeted ads to specific households based on deterministic identifiers, allowing brands to define and serve their message to the desired audience, wherever and whenever they’re watching content on TV/CTV/STB. Those targeted households can be matched to 1st, 2nd or 3rd party data sets or modeled by behavioral, demographic and/or geographic factors from 1st, 2nd or 3rd party data sets.”
  2. Ad Exchanger: Adalytics Exposes An Alleged $10.5 Billion Black Hole In The Google Search Partners Program, November 2023
  3. Go Addressable defines non-addressable as: “Inventory that does not have the ability for advertisers to serve targeted ads to specific households or users based on deterministic identifiers.”

Five Things All Advertisers Should Know About Addressable TV Advertising

It’s not news that the TV landscape is evolving and becoming more fragmented and complex. TV has expanded across screens and platforms, to include live programs, original streaming content, and VOD programming. Viewers are seamlessly switching between linear and streaming content, jumping across apps, and ultimately consuming TV whenever, wherever, and however they want.

While this explosion of content is great for consumers, it has become more difficult for advertisers to try to capture attention and manage reach. And while many advertisers are turning to CTV to try to reach audiences, the truth is that not all of that content is ad supported. According to Nielsen, streaming accounts for 38.4% of monthly TV viewing in the U.S., but when you look at ad-supported streaming platforms, that ends up accounting for ~18% of total TV viewing.

So, how can advertisers reach audiences across all forms of TV without inundating them with the same ads repeatedly? They need a convergent solution, across linear and streaming, powered by deterministic data, delivered in premium brand safe environments.

That’s where addressable TV advertising comes in.

At a recent TV Upfronts event, Go Addressable broke down five essential strategies for success when it comes to addressable advertising and why advertisers should allocate 10% to 20% of their TV to this medium. Here are five key things advertisers should keep in mind as they plan out their TV buys for the year ahead to ensure they are driving results.

1. A convergent TV solution is crucial

It’s clear that finding viewers where they are watching TV is more important than ever. Advertisers need a convergent TV solution that allows them to reach audiences across linear and streaming so they can manage campaigns holistically and see the true impact of their media.

The good news is that addressable, while originally rooted in linear TV, has evolved into a cross-platform solution where reach and frequency can be managed and can be used to streamline goals across platforms. And, because addressable is rooted in inventory from MVPDs, it gives advertisers scale across the most premium TV content in the market. In fact, there are 68 billion available addressable impressions within brand safe, premium environments across the Go Addressable footprint that advertisers can tap into.

2. Deterministic data is King (or Queen)

Data is the main building block for identifying the right audience, and amid increasing signal loss, the value of accurate, reliable data is more important than ever to advertisers. Starting with quality deterministic data is what allows advertisers to reach their high-value audiences, because not all data or identity solutions are created equal.

In a recent study with CIMM on the reliability of IP addresses as an identity solution, it was found that the ability for a campaign to attain reach and scale was impacted by the data used for targeting. The research showed that addressable match rates, which are fueled by audiences authenticated against MVPD subscriber data from MVPDs, start with a 95% initial match rate and maintain consistent match after the quarter. Campaigns that utilize IP addresses alone start at a 60% initial match rate and can drop to as low as 24% after 90 days.

3. Tech matters

While data should be at the core of any TV campaign, incredible technology is still needed to power those campaigns. Because at the end of the day, advertisers need the ability to precisely deliver against their most valuable audiences, cross-platform, with increased efficiency to limit waste and understand the impact of their media.

They also need to manage reach and frequency so they can ensure they aren’t over or underexposing viewers. To solve for this challenge, advertisers can utilize addressable tech to manage heavy TV viewers and create segments of light-TV viewers and make sure households are being delivered the ad the optimal number of times.

These are amazing tactics fueled by powerful tech that allows advertisers to look at their TV buys more holistically and increase campaign reach among certain audiences.

4. Young adults are watching linear and streaming

There is a misconception that young adults don’t watch linear TV anymore and can only be reached via streaming. That’s just not true.

Research shows that the majority of adults 18-49 watch TV across linear and streaming. That means, if advertisers are relying solely on CTV to reach them, they could miss a significant portion. Addressable data and technology can help brands find their audience even if that is a younger audience or an audience that doesn’t watch as much TV.

5. Actions over metrics

Today, advertisers are held accountable for media metrics, and business outcomes and results. It’s not enough to just reach audiences, advertising needs to drive the right action. With addressable and its deterministic data used for measurement, brands can better understand the connection between accurately reported exposures and outcomes across the purchase funnel, whether that be awareness, a website visit, an in-store visit or even sales lift. Further, brands get a better understanding of the performance and what is driving action so that they can better optimize for future campaigns.

Addressable TV is a key component in the changing TV landscape

While the definition of TV may be changing, the truth is TV is still the cornerstone of advertising because it works. So, while premium linear TV has evolved, it has done so in an effective way; it has converged, across platforms, and technology like addressable allows advertisers to buy it more closely aligned to how they might buy impression-based digital with all the additional controls.

The benefit of this is advertisers can now rely on technology and deterministic data in order to deliver the most efficient TV campaigns, based on their most valuable audiences in top quality and brand-safe content. Regardless of the size or duration of a campaign and whether targeted broadly or narrowly, addressable is a powerful tool that should be used as an integrated tactic for overall TV buys to make that budget go further and obtain the best results throughout the entire funnel.

Planning & Buying Guide for Addressable TV Advertising 2024

Go Addressable partnered with CIMM to explore addressable TV advertising usage and trends across buyers and sellers to provide proven strategies for optimizing addressable TV.

Based on in-depth research, the report highlights the invaluable role that addressable TV plays in the overall media mix and offers 5 key insights for advertisers looking to implement or increase addressable TV in their media campaigns and showcases the optimal uses cases for it.

download findings

5 key insights based on the research

  1. Addressable consistently delivers ~40% reach regardless of whether the brand has a high or low target audience penetration.
  2. Addressable delivers incremental reach to both large and small linear campaigns. When linear reach begins to plateau, addressable TV is found to be between 20% and 30% more efficient in adding incremental reach than linear.
  3. eCPMs for addressable campaigns (those associated with the actual target segment impressions) are more efficient than linear eCPMs when it comes to light linear TV viewing audiences.
  4. Addressable TV is more precise than IP address matching. An analysis found that 95% of addressable HHs were matched via postal address compared to 60% via IP address. After 30 days, 82% of addressable homes remained accurately matched compared to 44% of CTV homes.
  5. Addressable TV is not just for older adults. Data shows that CTV addressable and MVPD addressable play complementary roles in reaching adults 18-49.1

4 optimal use cases for addressable tv

  1. Brands with low penetration target audiences
  2. Brands whose linear television plans’ reach curves have plateaued and desire more efficient incremental reach
  3. Brands that want to frequency cap high-volume, oversaturated TV viewers at the household level
  4. Brands with limited television budgets or multiple audience targets/creatives to maximize impact

For full findings, download report here.


*In this context, the reference of Addressable TV is defined as MVPD addressable and the use of deterministic data or authenticated content experiences.

Source: 1. TVision, September 2023.

Go Addressable and CIMM: Guidelines for Planning & Buying Addressable TV Advertising

The TV ad market is rapidly evolving as audiences’ viewing grows increasingly fragmented across a range of linear and non-linear services. Addressable TV advertising has emerged as a powerful tool to help advertisers effectively target and reach valuable audiences and make their media dollars work harder.

The new report from Go Addressable and CIMM, is based on in-depth custom research and unveils results on addressable TV advertising usage and trends. It also provides best practices for the medium, including that adding addressable TV advertising to linear ad campaigns can increase reach.

The findings further highlight the invaluable role that addressable TV plays in the overall media mix, offering key insights for advertisers looking to implement or increase addressable TV in their media campaigns and showcases the optimal uses cases for it.

    Go Addressable Summit 2023: Building the Converged Addressable Future

    Rishad Tobaccowala speaking at the Go Addressable Summit 2023

    Go Addressable’s third-annual summit this year focused on discussing some of the biggest topics of addressable TV advertising; how the medium has progressed, what is needed from the industry for total convergence, the importance of authenticated identity, and where the future is headed.

    Addressable TV advertising has been growing steadily in usage as advertisers better understand its capabilities and potential. In fact, during her opening remarks Amy Leifer, Chief Advertising Sales Officer at DIRECTV Advertising, shared custom research from Go Addressable and Advertiser Perceptions on how advertiser intent to spend on addressable has grown consistently over the last three years from 34% in 2021 to 40% today! Next year, 2 out of 5 advertisers say they will spend more on addressable than they did this year.

    One thing was clear though, as the industry moves towards building a better ecosystem for buyers, sellers, and consumers we must continue to keep focused on the future if we really want to Go Addressable. As the event’s keynote speaker Rishad Tobaccowala shared, the future cannot exist in the containers of the past so the time for the industry to act is now.

    It’s All Coming Together: The New (and Improved) Addressable Buying Landscape

    It's All Coming Together Panel at Go Addressable Summit 2023

    Speakers: Jason Brown, Spectrum Reach (Moderator), Cullen Deady, PMX Lift, Lisa Giacosa, Spark Foundry, Jean-Mark Papin, Horizon, and Brad Stockton, Dentsu

    Our first panel featured executives across four major agencies, providing a temperature check on the state of addressable adoption and what, if any, barriers still remain. The good news: there has been steady growth in addressable TV advertising, with an increased acknowledgement of its effectiveness and relative cost efficiency. All panelists seemed to agree that one of the most important actions needed is to debunk the myths that marketers might believe about addressable’s effectiveness. Education is needed to help brand marketers understand the true eCPM of addressable. It can actually make media dollars go further since it is more effective and can help manage frequency and drive incremental reach. The truth is that addressable offers more in terms of reaching more targeted audiences and helping to avoid wasted impressions. Being able to help prove the real effectiveness of addressable TV advertising will help push it forward.

    Another important factor is making it easier for buyers to transact across sellers. The ultimate goal is a holistic approach to planning, buying, and measurement that truly reflects the way that consumers are now viewing premium video content, moving beyond legacy media modeling.

    There is so much opportunity for advertisers when it comes to addressable TV. A key area of focus for Go Addressable is to knock down the perceived barriers for marketers through research and education. In fact, based on a recent survey, the number of advertisers who are satisfied with addressable TV has increased steadily in the past three years. With dedicated work that number should continue to improve.

    Convergence in Action: Where Addressable TV Fits In

    It's All Coming Together Panel at Go Addressable Summit 2023

    Speakers: Kevin Arrix, DISH Media (Moderator), Stephanie Foster, Yahoo!, Angela Girardin, Nielsen One Ads, Andrea Remoundos, GroupM, and Sara Wallace, FreeWheel

    The second panel of the day tackled the convergence of addressable that we are seeing in an increasingly complex world with different models and buying types across various video types. Like the marketer panel, they agreed that the industry needs better uniformity to ensure that advertisers can buy and manage addressable campaigns and use it successfully in their media strategies.

    The real solution for full-fledged convergence is making it easier for advertisers to have a cohesive view of their video investments. Despite all the progress, silos remain; we are still seeing that many companies are organized in a way where the CTV and Linear TV teams sit separately. There is work being done to encourage the two to come together so that these channels can sit alongside one another. Allowing for more programmatic buying of addressable will also provide more flexibility, transparency, and uniformity so clients can better optimize.

    Enabling more inventory to be programmatically bought will help bring the teams together and improving measurement for addressable TV will drive it forward and allow us to understand the impact addressable TV has more holistically.

    Go Addressable is committed to helping improve measurement and help provide better proof of ROI in order to encourage advertiser adoption. Currently, the organization works with the top 20 attribution vendors in the market as a way to develop better offerings. As a result, 59% of advertisers report seeing an improvement in measurement in addressable TV.

    Data: Addressable’s Superpower and How to Maximize It

    Data Panel at Go Addressable Summit 2023

    Speakers: Larry Allen, Comcast Advertising (Moderator), Kimberly Gilberti, Experian, Bill Harvey, RMT Inc., Emily Kistner, Adstra, and Jason Manningham, Blockgraph

    When it comes to addressable TV, data is really the fuel that powers it, so it is critical that advertisers start with the best data input in order to get the best output. As Bill Harvey said, addressable is a very powerful tool that research has found delivers a higher ROI than linear alone given its precise targeting, reinforcing its value as a tactic in effective media plans.

    The industry is working to provide interoperability across data and identity partners so that advertisers can have an accurate view of their audiences across the entire campaign lifecycle from planning, to buying, to finally measuring. Data accuracy is an imperative to allow advertisers to leverage data in the best ways and to make meaningful connections with their consumers.

    Looking ahead to 2024

    Go Addressable is helping marketers and agencies understand the power of addressable TV advertising so they can truly harness it and use it to its fullest extent. During the event’s Fireside chat with Joe Keating from Hill’s Pet Nutrition, he shared how he has really leaned into addressable to help build the brand, better understand consumers, and reach the right audiences. He pointed out that more convergence will make it easier for other brands to see the value of addressable in their own strategies.

    As Travis Scoles, SVP of Advanced Advertising at Paramount pointed out, waste is the enemy of addressable TV. Once buyers have a better grasp of its capabilities and how to use it in a full funnel marketing plan, the channel will be unstoppable. There are three key things that the industry must do for this to happen, and these are the areas that Go Addressable will be focused on in the next 12 months:

    1. Provide clarity on the best practices of addressable to make it easier to engage and transact at every step.
    2. Foster industry collaboration to drive addressable implementation.
    3. Utilize research insights and case studies to showcase the merits of addressable advertising.

    Thank you to all that joined us for Go Addressable Summit 2023: Building the Converged Addressable Future. Your participation and collaboration help us educate the industry and push the medium forward. To keep up to date with all the latest work we are doing, visit Insights – Go Addressable.

    To watch the replay of the event, visit Go Addressable Summit 2023.

    We’ll see you next year!

    Addressable TV On the Rise

    Over the past three years, Go Addressable has partnered with Advertiser Perceptions to survey agency and brand side marketers on their intent to use and spend on addressable TV*.

    In 2023, 2-in-5 addressable TV advertisers report they will spend more on addressable in 2024, demonstrating a gradual upward trend over the past three years, likely driven by increased education and understanding of how to use addressable most effectively.


    Overall satisfaction is on the rise as more providers make addressable inventory available across linear and CTV. Today, nearly 9-in-10 advertisers are satisfied with addressable TV advertising as adoption and confidence in the channel have grown.


    Intent to Use Addressable Has Doubled Since 2021

    Further proof of the increasing strength of addressable is that non-users are much more likely to start using addressable than they were two years ago. Half report they will start using addressable next year, compared to just 25% in 2021.


    Measurement and scale are the two areas where advertisers report seeing the strongest improvement in addressable TV over the past year, likely driving upward trends in positive perceptions of addressable overall.


    A Bright Future for Addressable

    Advertisers are bullish on addressable TV. Most say it is moving forward positively. Looking ahead, Go Addressable will continue working to accelerate addressable TV advertising by providing resources for advertisers who want to understand how they can most effectively incorporate addressable TV into their campaigns. To learn more, visit

    Going All in on
    Addressable TV

    Over the past two years, Go Addressable has partnered with Advertiser Perceptions to survey agency and brand-side marketers on how they are planning and thinking about their media decisions.

    The latest data shows that a growing number of advertisers are using addressable TV as part of their media mix. 73% of advertisers report they are currently including addressable TV in their media plans/strategies, amounting to a significant 16% lift over last year.

    Convergence of Linear TV and CTV Drives Rise of Addressable

    Like last year, nearly half of advertisers say that teams covering both digital and linear TV manage planning for addressable.

    While addressable TV advertising historically referred to targeted ads inserted within the dedicated ad breaks of pay TV distributors (MVPDs), the definition now extends to CTV media providers and to programmers.

    Teams Responsible for Addressable TV Planning

    Top Budgets Sourced for Addressable TV

    Over the past year, in order to fund their investments in addressable, advertisers were nearly just as likely to tap into CTV budgets as they were to tap into linear budgets.



    With Growth in Addressable, Quality of Measurement Improves

    Top Reasons Advertisers Would Spend More in Addressable TV

    Better measurement has decreased as a top reason advertisers would spend more in addressable TV, signaling greater understanding for how addressable TV measurement works. Still, there is room to move the needle in some areas. With advertisers citing inadequacy and confusion around attribution, deeper education and resources are needed.

    Top Challenges to Addressable TV Measurement

    Inadequate attribution to prove ROI

    Confusion over how addressable TV measurement and attribution work

    Moving Forward with Go Addressable

    Advertisers are all in on addressable but they still need education on how to meet measurement objectives. Go Addressable has a goal of accelerating addressable TV advertising by providing resources for advertisers who want to understand how they can most effectively incorporate addressable TV into their campaigns. To learn more, visit

    2023 Upfronts: The Addressable TV Opportunity

    As the 2023 upfronts get underway, advertisers are once again faced with the challenge of reaching consumers and achieving optimal business results while balancing the growing array of television distribution formats in their media plans. With premium video content being consumed across various screens and fragmentation increasing, advertisers are looking to leverage data insights to target viewers with precision while maintaining the reach of traditional TV, using aggregated viewership insights, and with a commitment to protecting personal information. Addressable TV has reached critical mass, offering an effective solution that allows advertisers to reach specific audiences at scale with unprecedented precision. According to research commissioned with Advertiser Perceptions, 90% of agencies and marketers agree that Addressable TV is critical to the future of television advertising.

    Despite the growing adoption of addressable advertising, many advertisers might not fully understand its benefits or use cases. But with media and marketing dollars under increased scrutiny, advertisers should consider the following four ways to incorporate addressable TV advertising into their upfront plans.

    1. Complement Traditional TV Buys

    Traditional TV still plays a pivotal role in many advertisers’ media strategies, and this is unlikely to change. Addressable TV advertising is a strategic tactic that can enhance linear TV campaigns by bridging gaps and providing better viewer experiences through more effective targeting and ad frequency management per household. By coupling the two, advertisers can extend the reach of their traditional linear TV strategy and drive incremental reach to consumers who may not have been exposed to their messaging. Incorporating addressable TV advertising into upfront planning in this way can help ensure valuable return on ad spend.

    2. Unify Streaming and Linear Audiences

    Addressability is not limited to linear TV advertising; it also can be used to serve targeted ads across set-top boxes, streaming platforms, or CTV devices. By using addressable, advertisers can improve audience targeting and measure reach across both linear and digital channels, which historically has been difficult. Addressable TV offers the opportunity to unify the two, creating a more audience-based approach and a better understanding of ROI.

    3. Engage High-Intent Consumers with Relevant Messages

    One of the most valuable applications of addressable TV advertising is its ability to identify and reach in-market households with a high likelihood of purchasing a specific product or service. Addressable TV provides privacy-focused ways to reach a specific audience using aggregated data. By using addressable TV advertising, advertisers can target specific creative or messaging to in-market households, which can drive conversion and enhance the customer experience. By incorporating addressable TV advertising into upfront planning, advertisers can engage with customers as they move through the consumer purchase funnel.

    4. Close the Loop Between Media Exposure and Consumer Action

    Addressable TV advertising can help close the loop between media exposure and consumer action with deterministic attribution and measurement. In a privacy-focused way, advertisers can target specific audience segments and limit the exposure of ads to households outside of those segments, reducing wasted impressions. With accurate attribution, advertisers can better plan and measure the impact of their TV investments.

    Addressable TV is Ready to Go for the 2023 Upfronts

    As advertisers’ needs continue to evolve, addressable TV advertising is playing a major role in the new TV landscape by providing improved targeting, measurement, and attribution capabilities. The tools and technology are available, and advertisers should take advantage of them by incorporating addressable into their overall TV strategy. The 2023 upfronts provide a massive opportunity for advertisers to embrace addressable TV advertising and achieve optimal results.

    Resources for Going Addressable

    Go Addressable has put together resources to accelerate adoption and help educate and enable advertisers wherever they are in their addressable TV journey. Visit the Content Hub to access the playbook, glossary, blogs, and other timely insights.

    Go Addressable 2022:
    Event Recap & Replay

    Our second annual Go Addressable event, Go Addressable 2022: Advancing The Future of Television on November 16th hosted a full house at Convene NYC and many more virtually, proving that interest is strong and the industry is excited to Go Addressable.

    Key takeaways from each of our sessions below, and links to view the on demand experience. Please continue to follow us on LinkedIn and for additional insights into how we can collectively create a more addressable future.

    Welcome and Opening Remarks

    Opening Remarks

    Matt Van Houten, SVP, Product, Business Development, and Sales Operations for DIRECTV Advertising set the stage by highlighting several key announcements reinforcing why 2022 was a big year for addressable TV:

    • A joint study with Advertiser Perceptions finds 81% of advertisers are satisfied with addressable TV advertising (up from 72% y/y), while 41% of marketers not currently using addressable plan to start next year (up from 25% y/y)
    • Go Addressable 2022 Accomplishments:
      • Drove Momentum & Scale: the Go Addressable group surveyed its participating companies, confirming they’ve helped enable a monthly average of 53 billion linear advertising minutes since its inception in June 2021. (For context, there are more than 1.2 trillion minutes per month in linear advertising per minute, according to Nielsen.) All participants also indicated that inventory can grow with additional demand.
      • Simplified: Established a simplified framework for addressable terms & guidelines across programmer & distributor inventories; Actively engaged measurement vendors like VideoAmp, iSpot and Comscore for comprehensive addressable measurement alternatives
      • Engaged: Created 2 advisory councils to better align with our agency and programming partners

    Keynote: The Media Ecosystem

    Keynote: The Media Ecosystem

    Evan Shapiro, Media Universe Cartographer, provided a lively and unfiltered look at the ever-changing media ecosystem and where we’re all headed. Here’s just some of what he shared.

    “The rate of change, has changed. The last two years accelerated the rate of change to a constant state. Change is no longer something you can schedule once a year at Go Addressable conference, it’s not something you can put into your offsite every quarter. It is now a constant rate of change. Disruption is the operating system of our ecosystem. There’s a number of different reasons for that.”

    Addressable In Action: Buyer Perspectives

    Panel speaking about Addressable In Action: Buyer Perspectives

    Kerry Flynn, Media Deals Reporter, Axios Pro, moderated our first panel, focused on agency leaders discussing the benefits of addressable, and where they see it going forward. Panelists included: Kelly Metz, Managing Director, Advanced TV Activation, OMG; Samantha Rose, EVP, Strategic Investment Lead, Horizon Media; Jen Soch, Executive Director, Channel Solutions, GroupM.

    Key senior executives across the largest agencies and holding companies shared their thoughts and perceptions about buying addressable TV advertising today. Highlights include:

    • Scale in the addressable space is growing with more impressions available and speed to market, a hurdle in the past, much improved
    • Addressable isn’t just used for precision targeting any more, marketers are now using it to reach light TV viewers, increase unduplicated reach and even out impression delivery & exposure amongst audiences
    • There is still education needed throughout the ecosystem in how addressable can help drive value for brands, but there has never been a more important time than now to make the dollar work harder
    • Expect to see an explosion of programmatic addressable that will improve time to market & provide flexibility for the buy-side

    The Future of Addressable Measurement: Solving for Cross-Platform Solutions

    Panel speaking about The Future of Addressable Measurement: Solving for Cross-Platform Solutions

    Howard Shimmel, President, Janus Strategy & Insights and datafuelX, sat down with key agency and data leaders to share their predictions of what the future of measurement will look like, offer best practices for marketers when evaluating measurement platforms, and discuss challenges & solutions in modern TV measurement. He was joined by: Lizzy Daly, VP, Head of Currency, Comscore; Helen Katz, EVP, Research, Publicis Media; Ross McCray, Founder & CEO, VideoAmp; Brad Stockton, SVP, US National Video Innovation, Dentsu.

    Measurement is top of mind for everyone this year. In this lively conversation, senior measurement, data and agency executives discuss recent developments and share predictions of what’s ahead for the future of measurement.

    • It’s important to set expectations at the front of the campaign on what is being measured & align measurement with targeting, execution and creative
    • Understanding holistic reach & frequency across channels continues to be a pain point; continued interoperability and willingness to share data can help
    • While there is heavy growth amongst FAST channels, without deterministic registration data, accurate segmentation & targeting can be limited
    • Impressions don’t move product: as an industry, we should consider an outcome value mindset to measure success

    Easy to Buy, Easy to Execute: Enter Interoperability & Automation

    Easy to Buy, Easy to Execute Panel

    Chris Monteferrante, VP Product & Data Strategy, AdvancedTV Advertising, Spectrum Reach sat down with Brett Hurwitz, Business Lead, Addressable TV, Yahoo; Noah Levine, Head of Advanced Advertising Solutions, Warner Bros. Discovery; Adam Paul, Managing Director, Media Alliances, LiveRamp; Joanna Thissen, VP, Audience Solutions & Data Partnerships, OpenAP to discuss how we can continue to make it easier to buy and execute addressable TV at scale.

    Without a single tech stack that connects all addressable inventory or audience platforms, how can the industry come together to make it easy? Senior executives across the largest programmers, distributors and advanced advertising platforms unpack today’s challenges and spotlight tomorrow’s opportunities around interoperability and automation. Key Takeaways include:

    • The addressable marketplace involves some complexity, but with 10+ years of experience, MVPDs have already done a lot to simplify & streamline
    • Programmatic is a great way to access linear addressable, programmer addressable and CTV addressable al in one place
    • We can help addressable to scale by continuing to push for interoperability on the identity side, planning & execution side & measurement side
    • If you’re not playing with addressable, you’re late. The future is moving towards fully being addressable

    Enabling Programmer Addressable: A Fireside Discussion

    Enabling Programmer Addressable: A Fireside Discussion

    Larry Allen, VP & GM Data & Addressable Enablement, Comcast Advertising, sat down with Seema Patel, TelevisaUnivision to discuss the realities of enabling national linear inventory. And bonus: they played a fast-paced, lightning round conversation covering the key themes, trends and takeaways from the day!

    • Aside from the support of internal and external stakeholders, the key ingredients for a successful addressable business are:
      1. Data: you need to connect the data pipes and move data between systems
      2. Scale: when you’re evaluating a platform what are the ad opportunities associated with that platform; does the work and effort support the revenue goals?
      3. Data Connections: make it easy for the buy-side to connect their data sets to yours
      4. Automation: you need self service, automation for IO and campaign execution
    • There are 3 core components that make the hispanic-focused customer graph powerful and valuable: data fidelity, making it easy for clients to connect to the data and scale.
    • Today’s media measurement routinely undercounts the hispanic data-set, the reason is ethnicity is self-reported. Less than 6 out of 10 hispanic are included in 3rd party data-sets.
    • As an industry, we need to continue to automate for faster, better SLAs for the buy-side and to measure outcomes.

    Closing Remarks

    Closing remarks

    Kevin Arrix, SVP, DISH Media, delivered the closing remarks, sharing some exciting things we can expect from Go Addressable in 2023.

    What’s upcoming:

    • Implement bold steps to make progress on video planning and measurement
    • Work to accelerate and simplify convergence for CTV and linear addressable
    • Deepen engagement with key industry stakeholders
    • Increase education around both the benefits and applications of addressable television

    Watch Go Addressable 2022 On Demand

    The Rise of Addressable Advertising

    Research shows that addressable TV is well-positioned for success next year. In October of 2021 and 2022, Go Addressable partnered with Advertiser Perceptions to survey 300 agency and brand decision-makers on their plans for addressable TV in the upcoming year.

    2-in-5 Non-Users Will Start Using Addressable Next Year, While Over a Third of Users will Increase Their Spend

    41% of advertisers that are not using addressable will start using it in 2023, compared to just 25% surveyed at this time last year. Despite economic headwinds, advertisers recognize the demonstrated efficiency in buying addressable TV. Additionally, 37% of current users will increase their spend in addressable TV next year.

    Plan to Use Addressable Next Year

    (Among those Not Using Addressable TV)

    2021: 25%, 2022: 41%


    Plan to Spend More in Addressable Next Year

    (Among those Using Addressable TV)

    2021: 34%, 2022: 37%


    Increased Satisfaction Driven by Measurement Solutions, Simplicity of Buying, and More Addressable Ad Opportunities

    18% of advertisers say they are very satisfied with addressable TV ad opportunities today—a 64% lift versus the same time last year. High overall satisfaction is driven by the flexibility and adaptability of addressable.

    Over 3-in-4 advertisers that have used addressable are satisfied with the measurement solutions available for addressable TV today. With increased confusion around the state of audience measurement, addressable offers advertisers the opportunity to test and learn with different measurement and attribution partners.

    Chart showing satisfaction with addressable in 2021 vs. 2022

    of users are satisfied with addressable TV measurement solutions

    Advertisers note that addressable is now simpler to buy, and both the number of options and cost to implement have improved. Over half of those using addressable today say they are buying from either AVOD, programmers, OEMs, or MVPDs, indicating that advertisers are partnering with multiple providers to reach their audiences across services.

    2022 Most Improved Areas for Addressable

    Simplicity of buying

    Overall options

    Cost to implement

    buy addressable across more than 1 addressable partner

    The Path Forward Calls for Collaboration

    Advertisers are excited about the future of addressable. To sustain its upward trajectory, the industry needs to work together in maximizing the scale, impact, and adoption of addressable advertising. That is where Go Addressable comes in.